Waves to Wine ... Or Bust!

A Hundred Miles for A Thousand Bucks!
We Made It!
A special thanks to all of you who supported us! We rode 100 miles and raised over $1,000 in the 1997 Waves To Wine MS Bike Tour. The event actually raised more than $450,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society! This was the first organized sports event we've ever participated in, and the most fun we've ever had riding 100 miles ... not that either of us had ever actually ridden 100 miles. For two days with temperatures in the upper 90s, we peddalled and huffed and puffed 100 miles to the finish line. But it wasn't all work--there was a rest stop every 15 miles or so with power drinks, fresh fruit, snacks, and friendly faces. The first day we spent climbing from Santa Rosa over the mountains to Occidental for a breeze down Bohemian Highway to Bodega and back. On day two, we headed to the rolling hills of Sonoma's wine country up to geyserville and back to Santa Rosa.
At the end of each day we were fed food and drink (beer and wine too!), with live music and more friendly faces. The gearhead racing bike types were few ... except for a wannabe who almost tossed Jim into traffic as he raced by in his day-glo jersey. He got his just desserts tho--an hour later, Jim beat him across the finish line! Over 1500 cyclists and just one fool wasn't bad. On Sunday the Original Nelson's (pictured here) waited 4 hours in the glaring sun for us, handing out medals and certificates to all the riders.
Mary Nelson was diagnosed with MS about 6 years ago. She is one tough cookie and is doing quite well. Mary was the driving force for us to endure this ride, along with Sandy Adamsen--a dear friend of the Agredanos. This was for them. Thanks again for all of you who helped.
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