Yes, You Can Work from a Hammock in Bali
If you think that stories about mobile entrepreneurs working from a hammock on the island of Bali are nothing more than marketing hype to sell books like The Four Hour Workweek, think again.
This article about digital nomads from International Business Times spotlights mobile entrepreneurs who are making their world travel dreams happen, and making money at the same time:

From International Business Times
BALI, Indonesia: It was exactly six months ago when Merav Knafo packed the contents of her life into a storage garage in Encinitas, Calif., and hopped a flight to Bali. She doesn’t know when she’ll see those possessions again or even where she’ll be a few months from now. It’s not that Knafo has “checked out of life,” as she put it, but that she’s found a different way to live it — a way she says most of us are too afraid to try.
. . . . oDesk found in a study released last month that of the three-quarters of its users who made a change to be less tied to a physical workplace, 67 percent became freelancers and 34 percent created their own virtual business team. Meanwhile, 59 percent of those who went nomad last year reported an increase in income. Since becoming less tied to their physical workplace, 92 percent said they were happier (versus just 2 percent who claimed to be less content). oDesk credited a generational shift whereby collecting possessions now has less cultural currency than collecting experiences.
Read more:
For Digital Nomads, Work Is No Longer A Place And Life Is One Big Adventure
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