Improve your business speaking with Toastmasters
There are only two times in life when you’re really alone — just before you die and when you have to make a five-minute speech.
Harvey Mackay led with this comment in a recent San Antonio Business Journal article in which he provides some helpful tips for tweaking public speaking opportunities.I heard about it from the fun bunch of folks we met at a Gonzales, Texas Toastmasters meeting.
Rene recently renewed her Toastmasters International membership after we found a local club and attended a couple meetings. She gave her “ice-breaker” speech and received a very positive evaluation. Why? Because she did a great job – she knew her subject, presented the material well, was entertaining and energetic without being overbearing, and discreetly referred to her notes only a few times.

Rene speaks with confidence at Gonzales, TX Toastmasters meeting.
But why did she renew her membership again after leaving the club she joined shortly before we hit the road back in 2007? Because evaluations like this are what Toastmasters is all about. While we are our own worst critics, we never truly hear ourselves. And we will never improve our presentation and leadership skills if we don’t know what talents we need to build upon and which areas need improvement.
Now that we are back in the business of business development, our goal is to help others reach their own goals. We can only do this by effectively communicating the benefits our company offers and providing quality leadership and training. We’ll be looking for local Toastmasters meetings to attend as we continue our travels. We suggest you find a club near you if you’d like to improve your own speaking skills.
I invite anyone reading this to please evaluate my business introduction. Schedule a personal overview to learn more about the company and products we are proud to represent, and let me know how I do.
Recommended Business Development Books by Harvey Mackay
- Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt: Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Deliver More Than You Promise
- Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: The Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need
- Fired Up!: How the Best of the Best Survived and Thrived After Getting the Boot
Check our Resources page for more helpful websites and recommended reading!
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