New Book Explains Nuts and Bolts of Profitable Blogging

Living and working from anywhere takes ingenuity and gumption but if you’ve got the drive, you can do it. Don’t get me wrong; there’s no easy way, it takes work and time and you’ll work harder than you ever have but the rewards of self-reliance and independence are greater than any J-O-B, at least in my opinion.

One person who’s got what it takes is Joshua Couch, a young full-time RVer who’s hit the road and blogs about his travels and promotes the Truck Camper Lifestyle. He’s written a new book that explains the basics about creating a blog you can sell, called “How to Create a Blog You Can Convert Into Cash.”

So you want to sell a blog? In my second year of blogging I sold my blog for almost $5,800 after only eighteen months work . . . My aim is to help as many people as I can to realize their own dreams of quitting their jobs and building their own online businesses.

Recently I had a chance to read a complimentary copy of Joshua’s book and found it to be full of useful, nuts and bolts information about building and creating a blog someone will want to buy. Josh should know; he sold his blog, for $5800 in just 18 months!

The book covers everything from choosing an interesting and lucrative topic, to setting up a blog to building a presence on social media. He then approaches the basic information about when to look for potential buyers and how to attract them to your blog so they’ll want to buy it via websites like

There’s a lot of helpful information here and it’s written in a straightforward, understandable format that anyone can grasp. Josh strikes the right balance between just the right amount of information for new bloggers to passing along enough valuable nuggets that readers will be enticed into researching more information for their unique situation. Although the book could use more links to various resources and the layout could be a little more visually exciting, it’s still a fast, informative read that’s well worth the $2.99 price.

If you’re looking for ways to build up an income you can take with you anywhere, pick up a copy this book and add it to your income-building resources today.



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