is home of the Agreda Communications website which has undergone many changes since Jim and Rene founded it in 1996.

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Blogs published by Agreda Communications is home of the Agreda Communications website which has undergone many changes since Jim and Rene founded it in 1996.
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The Team Agreda Home Business Coaching page can now be found at!
When we tell strangers that we live this unconventional full-timer lifestyle, they often assume we’re loaded (with money, silly!). But you know what they about assuming . . . Just because a RVer makes a living on the road doesn’t mean the person is rich or retired. As we shared in our travel blog, tons […]
We will no longer be updating this blog here so please come visit us there … Jim & René’s full-time RVing Sabbatical blog Jerry’s three legged dog blog and canine cancer discussion forums Get your own free travel blog at